Thank you for purchasing Floriani Products, we appreciate your business.
Please follow these directions to redeem your coupons to collect your free designs.
Each roll of Floriani Stabilizer comes with a FREE Floriani design coupon. You must collect 10 coupons to receive 10 free designs. To collect your free designs you must mail in a total of at least 10 coupons. If mailing more they must be sent in increments of 10.
Step 1: First you must fill out the coupon form. Once you have submitted all the info on the form you will receive an email.
Step 2: When you receive your email, please print it.
Step 3: Place 10 or more coupons (in increments of 10) along with the email you printed above into an envelope and mail to:
RNK Distributing
Design Coupon Dept
2562 Western Ave
Knoxville, TN 37921
Once we have processed your coupons we will contact you with directions on how to download your 10 free designs.